Confidential Contact Person

STUdance aims to be a safe and accessible place for everyone. In order to maintain a positive atmosphere within the association there are two confidential contact persons. Anne van den Hurk and Merel de Zeeuw are our confidential contact persons within STUdance.

We are the contact persons if you want to discuss something in confidence and investigate the next steps if you have experienced something unpleasant.  Think of sexual harassment, racism, bullying, physical or mental abuse or assault. It could be anything. We are always open to talk and want to help you further. At any time you can approach (one of) us for a talk or advice. As a confidential contact person we have a reporting duty to the board. This is completely anonymous.

What do we do in this meeting?
-We explain what you can and may expect from us;
-Your story is central;
-We listen to you;
-We take you seriously;
-We give you information; where necessary and desired;
-We treat the information confidentially;

Anne van den Hurk (Board)
I am Anne and I will be the confidential contact person this year together with Merel. I am currently completing my master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and working within healthcare. This coming year I will serve as President and I dance in Hiphop 2 and Modern 2. If there is anything, private or within STUdance, that you would like to talk to someone about you may always contact me. This can be about big issues, but I am also there for small things. I like to offer a listening ear.  

T: 06 28023332

Merel de Zeeuw (Advisory Board)
I am Merel and I will be the confidante this year together with Anne. I am 27 years old, studying social work and dancing this year in Feminine Hiphop. If there is anything private or within STUdance you can always come to me. If you just want to tell your story and need a listening ear. All conversations will be confidential and remain anonymous. Do not hesitate to ask for a conversation.

T: 06 11520365