Come dance in one of the ChoreoLabs!

Come dance in one of the ChoreoLabs!

Dutch Information

Op 29 juni is de eindvoorstelling in de Stadsschouwburg! Denk jij nou ook: één keer op het podium is niet genoeg? Meld je dan aan voor een ChoreoLab! ChoreoLab is een project waarbij vier leden van STUdance, onder professionele begeleiding, een eigen choreografie maken en deze aan een groep dansers van binnen én buiten STUdance aanleren. 

De choreografen van ChoreoLab zijn nu op zoek naar dansers! Er zijn dit jaar twee open ChoreoLabs (namelijk die van Maartje en Janneke) en twee gesloten ChoreoLabs (van Jesse en Anneclaire). Bij een gesloten ChoreoLab selecteert de choreograaf de dansers op basis van een aantal vragen in het inschrijfformulier. Bij een open ChoreoLab vindt geen selectie plaats maar, indien er meer aanmeldingen dan plekken zijn, wordt er geloot. 

De inschrijvingen zijn gesloten!

Je kunt je tot vrijdag 7 februari 9:00 uur aanmelden voor de gesloten ChoreoLabs en tot zaterdag 8 februari 9:00 voor de open ChoreoLabs. Je hoort uiterlijk zondag 9 februari of je ingeloot bent of niet. De trainingen van ChoreoLab zijn vanaf vrijdag 14 februari tot aan de eindvoorstelling op de vrijdagavond. De tijd is afhankelijk van de choreografie waarin je danst. Deelname aan ChoreoLab kost €30,-. 

Hieronder staan de beschrijvingen van alle ChoreoLabs van dit jaar! Je kunt hier ook de video’s van de plannen bekijken. Ben jij enthousiast geworden en wil je graag onderdeel uitmaken van deze unieke ervaring? Schrijf je dan in.

Ik hoop je hiermee voldoende te hebben geïnformeerd. Mail gerust naar als je nog vragen of opmerkingen hebt. De choreografen en wij kunnen niet wachten om dit mooie project te starten!

English Information

June 29 is the final performance at the City Theatre! Are you thinking: one time on stage is not enough? Then sign up for a ChoreoLab! ChoreoLab is a project in which four members of STUdance, under professional supervision, create their own choreography and teach it to a group of dancers from inside and outside STUdance.

The choreographers of ChoreoLab are now looking for dancers! This year there will be two open ChoreoLabs (by Maartje and Janneke) and two closed ChoreoLabs (by Jesse and Anneclaire). In a closed ChoreoLab, the choreographer selects the dancers based on a number of questions in the registration form. At an open ChoreoLab, no selection takes place but, if there are more applications than spots, a draw will take place.

Registrations are closed!

You can register until Friday, February 7, 9:00 am for the closed ChoreoLabs and until Saturday, February 8, 9:00 am for the open ChoreoLabs. You will hear no later than Sunday, February 9, whether you are entered or not. ChoreoLab trainings are from Friday, Feb. 14, until the final performance on Friday night. The time depends on the choreography you dance in. Participation in ChoreoLab costs €30.

The description of this year’s ChoreoLabs are below! You can watch the videos of their plans here. Have you become enthusiastic and would like to be part of this unique experience? Then register now.

I hope to have informed you sufficiently. Feel free to email if you have any questions or comments. We and the choreographers can’t wait to start this beautiful project!

ChoreoLab Maartje – Fragile (open) 

Blok 1 – Creation

Style: Urban contemporary and lyrical. I want to start the piece a bit more contemporary but really build up to something more urban and fast hitting towards the chorus. On top of this the piece will be very lyrical, since I would really love to tell a story with the choreography.

Music: The Dark by Ethan Jewell (feel free to give it a listen;))

Dancers: The ChoreoLab is open so everyone who wants to join is more than welcome!! However, I do want to include some solos (for the dancers that are comfortable with it) as well as maybe some lifts in my piece so that is something to keep in mind. On top of this I would really like it, that if you were to sign up, you resonate with the number and the story I want to tell, especially since the number is quite heavy. I am not going to dance in my ChoreoLab since I really want to focus on creating something beautiful with the dancers.

Story: Earth is fragile, it can be brought out of balance by humans. Which has been visible over the recent decades with increased global warming and the problems that come along with that. Not only Earth itself is fragile but life and the human mind can also be very fragile. Life can be difficult to navigate with a lot of struggles and setbacks along the way. This piece will tell the story of emotional and physical struggling, either that of humans or of Earth itself (this is open to the own interpretation of the dancers). Humans take so much from each other and from the planet that we live on. However there is only so much a person/planet can take until they break. In my piece this will be represented by seeing the emotional and physical struggles back in movement. I would also like to create a sense of loneliness by having some dancers perform solos or break away from the group, to act as a metaphor of not being able to fit in.

I hope you got a sense of my ChoreoLab, if you have any questions feel free to send me a text (I am sure the board is willing to give you my number). If you resonate with my ChoreoLab please don’t hesitate to sign up! I am very excited to create something beautiful together with you guys, and hopefully till the 14th of February!

ChoreoLab Janneke – Climb (open)

Blok 2 – Roam 

Everyone recognizes the feeling of not being yourself. Most people have pretended to be different than they are in order to be liked, because you feel that you don’t live up to the other person’s expectations.

During this choreo, I want to show that it doesn’t matter what you do and that you can just as easily be yourself. In the end, your life becomes a lot lighter when you are yourself.

Everyone is welcome, regardless of your level, dance style or experience. It is important that you are okay with people touching you on your arms or hips or giving you a hug.

I’m super looking forward to working on this plan. Who knows, maybe with you? Are you getting as excited about this plan as I am? Then sign up for my choreolab soon.

ChoreoLab Jesse – Wounded (gesloten)

Blok 3 – Destruction

In my dance, I interpret “wounded” as living with a terminal illness, where the disease inflicts harm upon the body. The performance takes the audience through the emotional and physical stages of facing such a life-altering diagnosis. It begins with the discovery of the illness, symbolized by one dancer standing in a wide circle while others crouch on the ground. The illness awakens slowly, reflecting its gradual onset. This leads to frustration and disbelief, expressed through powerful, chaotic movements without direction as the dancers spread across the stage. The treatment phase follows, visualized by lifting one dancer limp like a ragdoll, with movements becoming more controlled and determined. However, as the treatment fails, the illness takes over, with dancers representing the disease dominating the choreography, passing the afflicted person like a helpless object. The dance concludes with surrender, as all move with unity and determination. In the final moments, the sick individual is anchored to the stage by the illness, ending with a haunting grasp at the throat before the lights fade to black.

I have two requirements for participating in this choreography. Firstly, the dance piece I have choreographed is quite complex and difficult to follow without prior dance experience. Therefore, a minimum of one year of experience in hip-hop, jazz, or modern dance (or any close related style) is required. Secondly, this is a heavy and emotional theme, and it’s important to me that the emotion is expressed convincingly on stage. Therefore, I’d like to know why you want to participate in this particular choreography.

Anneclaire – Listen (gesloten)

Blok 4 – Hope

Hi! I’m Anneclaire (21 yo) and this year I will be leading the ChoreoLab for ‘Listen’ in the part called ‘Hope’. We will we using modern dance mostly but I am open to mixing and matching styles. Our story will begin right after the ‘natural disaster’. We start with a poem with the wind on the background about how we need to listen to Mother Nature. Once we are silent, Nature will provide us with music again and we will retrieve the colors of the earth we lost during the disaster. I would love to work with some improvisation and canons, so I would like to select dancers who are not afraid to experiment and try new things. I think together we will create something beautiful <3

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